Conversion Optimization Product Manager?

Unlock Your Product
2 min readAug 4, 2020

You probably saw in the last few months my articles about my #CustomerConversionChallenge. I’m obsessed with converting customers inside my products! Or, if I want to be more accurate, how to convert them into paying customers, and to create cross-sell opportunities. My most significant product conversion optimization happened when I needed to change one of my product’s flows completely. I found out that my assumptions were wrong, and that the user’s needs were completely different from my (our) assumptions. I promise to write and elaborate more on it in one of my next articles. Since then, I’m obsessed. I treat my products from a business perspective with the primary goal of finding critical business conversion points, testing, and optimizing them.

In the last few months, I talked to so many product managers, from junior to senior executives positions, and I rarely heard them talking about focusing on business conversion optimization within the product. Now you can argue with me and tell me that everything revolves around conversion. Still, the current vibe is that it’s a part of the general product responsibilities, and not always the main focus of one person in the product organization inside companies.

Conversion optimization manager is often referred to as a position in Marketing or Growth. They are responsible for optimizing the company’s lead generation and conversion strategy. This is one of the crucial roles within marketing and the growth team. In most cases, these positions are optimizing the beginning of the funnel. They are managing, testing, and implementing conversion points in the marketing funnel.

But what about business conversion optimization within the product? Is it a part of the product manager’s responsibilities? Especially is Saas, B2B2C & B2C product conversion optimization is so crucial! This role is essential and needs to spend days and nights optimizing the product’s business conversion rates, checking all the analytics events, testing critical conversion points, and interviewing customers from a business perspective.

It’s not UX, although the results and conclusions of the product optimization manager will be implemented on the UX, and it’s not Technical, it’s a pure business perspective and deep understanding of user behavior of how to convert customers and how to create cross-sell opportunities inside the product, with the passion for data and analytics. I tried to Google for similar product roles to learn more about my vision for this kind of expertise, but it’s so rare! If you have this role in your product organization, I would love to hear all about it. What are the primary responsibilities, optimal skills, and a day in a life for this position? Let us all learn from it.



Unlock Your Product

Hello! I'm Keren Raviv, entrepreneur @heart. Love disruptive growth hacking!